Lubie Lake

Lubie Lake is situated in the Drawskie Lake District, which is part of the Pomeranian Lake District. This is a very large body of water. It is on the 19th place in terms of area in Poland. At the same time, the lake is very clean.

Lubie Lake. Photo JDavid, CCBY 3.0 license
Lubie Lake. Photo JDavid, CCBY 3.0 license

The easiest way to get to Lake Lubie is from Drawsko Pomorskie, where you can get to the national road No. 20, which connects the suburbs of Szczecin with Gdynia. National road No. 10 runs from the south, connecting Szczecin with Bydgoszcz and then with Warsaw. In the future, this road is to be extended to an expressway. A road from Drawsko Pomorskie towards Lubieszewo leads to the town by the water. The following towns are situated on the lake: Gudowo, Lubieszewo, Karwice and Błędno. The southern shore of the lake is covered with Bory Karwickie, which houses a military training ground – this part is inaccessible to tourists.

The lake has an area of ​​1,487 hectares. The maximum depth is 46 meters. The maximum length is 14 kilometers. There are five islands on the lake: Sołtysie, Rybaki, Kamieniec, Ptaszyniec and the Bezimienna Island. Two large peninsulas (Ostry Róg and Mrówkowo Peninsula) are particularly interesting. The Drawa flows through Lake Lubie.

There is a palace in Karwice, which was built in the neo-Gothic style at the beginning of the 19th century by the Brockhausen family. It owes its present shape to numerous reconstructions and extensions. It is a three-storey building with two avant-corps, an observation tower and numerous rich architectural details. Currently, the palace houses the Military Training and Recreation Center. Unfortunately, admission is not allowed.

Out of five islands, one (called Sołtysie) is developed and accessible from the shore thanks to the presence of a floating bridge and the only ferry transporting cars in the lake district. The access leads from the side of Lubieszewo. The island is almost entirely covered with grass. The trees are only on the very shore. In high season it is a very popular place for camping. It is one of the most well-kept facilities of this type in the area.

Canoeing fans can face the forces of the Drawa River, which flows through Lake Lubie and is one of the favorite routes for organizing canoeing trips in Poland. The so-called Fr. Cardinal Karol Wojtyła. The Drawa River flows into the lake near Dzików, and leaves it opposite Lubieszewo, flowing through the pool called Zofiówka.

You should rather focus on sunbathing in a hotel, holiday resort or agritourism. The offer is large and expands very quickly. Hopefully it will be respectful of the environment. Almost in every facility that provides accommodation services, it is possible to rent floating equipment. It is also worth visiting the local eateries and trying fried fish. Unusually most of the beaches are sandy. Of course, there are also typical Polish grass beaches.

It is permissible to use boats with combustion engines throughout the entire reservoir, so it is hardly surprising that during the holiday season there are crowds of motorboating enthusiasts at Luba.

The host of the lake is Gospodarstwo Rybackie “Złocieniec” sp. Z o.o. The most numerous fish are: pike, perch and pike perch, but due to the fact that the water is very clean and deep there are also whitefish and whitefish. Weekend anglers will certainly not be bored here, and although there are many people willing to fish, there is no shortage of free space on the shores of the lake.

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