Ełckie Lake District – Green lungs of Poland

Ełk is a town in the centre of the Green Lungs of Poland (see HERE for more information). It is worth to visit these areas not only because of the sights, but above all on the beautiful and clean landscapes.

Ełckie Lake District
Ełckie Lake District

Ełk Lake District includes not only elk, but also fragments of districts: Oleckiego, Augustów, Grajewski, Piski, Giżycki, Węgorzeski and Gołdap. The most important towns of this region are (of course) Ełk and Olecko.

Worth Visit the Ełckie Lake District because of its clean lakes and vast forests. Especially worth to visit the Lake area: Łaśmiady, Lazne, Jezioro Rajgrodzkie and Selmęt Wielki. For tourists are open reserves: Ostoja Bobrów Bartosze, Borki, Liatian Jar, Mazury, Pilate Hills.

Among Sights worth seeing in the Ełcką railway narrow gauge, Boulder Bedway in old Juchach and the border pillar of 1545 year in Prostkach.

Accommodations in The Ełckie Lake District can be found in Ełku, Grajewo, Piaskach and Szeligach.

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