Roztocze, a complex of the Solska Forest and Janów Forests – is an area of recreational value. The main attraction factor of the area are the sightseeing values of the National Park and Sightseeing Parks, which predestine this area for the development of environmentally friendly forms of tourism – eco-agrotourism, sightseeing and qualified tourism. There are favorable climatic conditions for the development of therapeutic and winter tourism, favorable hypsometric conditions for winter sports. Cultural values are equally important: historic buildings, cultural events, tourist routes of cultural heritage: the trail of memorabilia of Jewish culture, church, Zamoyski ordination, culture of villages and towns, guerrilla and guerrilla fights, centers of folk art. Other forms of recreation are also developing in Roztocze; leisure (vacation), organized stay of children and youth (Krasnobród, Susiec, Majdan Sopocki, Zwierzyniec, Józefów, Janów Lubelski), as well as tourism in nature and nature, as well as ecological education, forms of active recreation (water, cycling, hiking, horse riding , downhill and trail skiing). Another, complementary form is holiday and weekend recreation (Zwierzyniec, Krasnobród, Susiec, Józefów, Janów Lubelski), one-day recreational stays (bathing areas), year-round traffic associated with a stay in the sanatorium in Krasnobród and year-round business associated with participation in conferences, seminars ( Krasnobród, Janów Lubelski, Józefów). Localities of international and national importance to which Zamość belongs and supra-regional for tourist services: Krasnobród, Susiec, Zwierzyniec, Józefów, Janów Lubelski.

The Central Wisła region includes: Lesser Poland Vistula Valley, Wrzelowiecki Landscape Park, Kraśnicki and Chodelski Protected Landscape Area, Kazimierski Landscape Park with Kazimierz Dolny, Puławy and Nałęczów, this area is diversified in terms of nature (legally protected areas, including numerous nature reserves, refuges habitat and bird Natura 2000 networks, pan-European ecological corridor) and landscape (varied landscape: extensive river valley, steep edges of river valleys, unique network of ravines); very interesting in terms of culture (with many architectural monuments: religious complexes and buildings, residential complexes, industrial and technical monuments, tourist cultural heritage routes: religious architecture trail, Vistula trail, memorabilia of Jewish culture, great writers, museums, folk art centers. Part traffic is generated by ongoing cultural events of international importance). There are favorable climatic conditions for the development of therapeutic and recreational tourism in the summer, as well as favorable hypsometric conditions for winter sports (significant differences in height, significant slopes). In addition, mainly sightseeing, specialist and nature tourism, as well as weekend rest develops. A complementary form is holiday and weekend recreation for the residents of Lublin, Dęblin, Puławy and Warsaw. The dominant form of year-round recreation is spa and relaxation tourism (biological regeneration at the SPA in Nałęczów and Kazimierz Dolny) and participation in conferences (Nałęczów, Kazimierz). Kazimierz Dolny, Nałęczów and Puławy are the centers of international and primary importance in the country for servicing tourist traffic. Tourists can use other various forms of tourism development, including both sightseeing (cognitive) and recreational tourism (including eco-agrotourism, aquatic recreation), as well as some of the forms of qualified tourism, in particular fishing and nature tourism (e.g. bird watching), which also fulfills educational functions and forms of active recreation (water, cycling, walking, horse riding).

“Western Polesie” – coinciding with the Biosphere Reserve. It includes: Poleski National Park, Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lake District and Parczewskie Forests. It is an area of recreational value on a national scale. The basic factor of the area’s attractiveness are very high natural values (Poleski PN and numerous nature reserves, habitat refuge of the Natura 2000 network) and the occurrence of many diverse lakes. Equal importance are also cultural values - multicultural borderland, architectural monuments, pilgrimage sites, tourist routes of cultural heritage including: trail of penetration of cultures, culture of villages and towns, historical, memorabilia of Jewish culture, church, museums, folk art centers. Stay (vacation) dominates, including organized stays of children and youth (in Okuninka). Individual recreation carried out in a private base, summer houses, agritourism farms. In addition, mainly tourism in nature and nature (ecotourism) develops.
Residence, qualified and specialist tourism is also important. The area has excellent conditions for the development of rural tourism, i.e. agritourism, tourism of nature and nature (ecotourism) is of great importance. A complementary form is holiday and weekend recreation for the residents of Włodawa and Chełm, one-day recreational stays (bathing areas), business traffic of secondary importance in Okuninka on Lake Białe. Okuninka is a holiday resort with regional significance for tourist traffic, nearby Jabłeczna is a place of supra-regional importance for pilgrimage traffic. In this area, there is a possibility of developing specialized (nature), qualified – active (cycling, horse riding, walking), water tourism (including sailing), the possibility of practicing scuba diving and underwater tourism.

The Wieprza Valley area – includes landscape parks, protected landscape areas in its zone. The basic attractiveness factor are natural values (nature reserves, habitat and bird refuge of the Natura 2000 network). The area is primarily associated with the possibility of using water tourism based on natural and sightseeing values of Wieprz and adjacent areas (to a lesser extent cultural). Favorable climatic conditions for the development of tourism in the winter (long period of snow cover retention, long period of ice cover duration) extend the tourist season in the region. The area has excellent conditions for the development of rural tourism, i.e. agrotourism and ecotourism. Residence, sightseeing and qualified tourism are also important. Tourists can also enjoy some forms of qualified tourism, in particular angling and nature tourism as well as forms of active recreation (water, cycling, hiking, horse riding).
The Bug Valley region – includes a border area with adjacent landscape parks and protected landscape areas. The main factor of the attractiveness of the area are the high landscape values of the Podlasie Bug Gorge, favorable climatic conditions for the development of recreational tourism in the summer, for the development of tourism in the winter, unique natural attractions (numerous nature reserves, habitat refuge of the Natura 2000 network), cultural values (multi-colored environment cultural – traditional folk culture, multicultural borderland, architectural monuments, Catholic and Orthodox sanctuaries, Forts of the Brest Fortress, cultural events of cross-border importance: international Arabian horse auction at the Horse Stud in Wygod near Janów Podlaski, museums and places of martyrdom and pilgrimage sites, tourist cultural heritage routes: cultural and church route). Development of landscape and nature tourism, stay, qualified, specialist and multicultural tourism, in addition, the area has excellent conditions for the development of rural tourism, i.e. agrotourism, nature tourism (ecotourism) and transit traffic (Terespol, Dorohusk, Zosin, Hrebenne) and border tourism. Qualified and cultural tourism is of equal importance. Stay-vacation tourism is a complementary form. In the region of the Lower Bug there are towns that stand out in this area and include: Janów Podlaski, Włodawa, Kodeń and Jabłeczna. Inhabitants of border cities are offered Saturday-Sunday recreation as well as nature and specialist tourism (fishing), qualified active tourism: cycling, horse riding, walking, water. The area is predestined for individual rest and agritourism. Stay (vacation) and weekend rest is accumulated in areas of water reservoirs.
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