Lake Śniardwy – the largest lake in Poland

Lake Śniardwy is the largest Polish lake that is located in Masuria. In cloudy weather the opposite shore cannot be seen, which is why Śniardwy is also called the Masurian sea. On the lake there are picturesque islets and coves, which are a nice stop while sailing. Numerous bathing areas and the proximity of Mikołajki with a well-prepared tourist base is a guarantee of a pleasant holiday on the Śniardwy Lake.

Lake Śniardwy
Lake Śniardwy

Lake Śniardwy is connected to several smaller reservoirs by a system of channels, which allowed to create a reservoir known as the Great Masurian Lakes. Thanks to this, the lakes in Masuria have become even more attractive for tourists. The main attractions in Masuria are sailing, canoeing, various types of extreme sports and of course bathing. There were many bathing areas, wild and in tourist resorts, which are guarded. Visitors to Masuria can stay in a luxury hotel or guesthouse. A much cheaper option is to place on a camping site. People who value peace and independence should rent a house by the lake, thanks to which they will fully appreciate the beauty of Masuria.

People coming to Lake Śniardwy are looking forward to sailing in Masuria. However, it should be remembered that this lake lies in a shallow depression of the bottom moraine, and erratic boulders rest at its bottom. Sometimes you can come across them just below the water surface. This is especially dangerous for canoeists and sailors, so be extremely cautious. Another reason why it is said that Lake Śniardwy can be dangerous is due to large weather fluctuations. On such a huge surface of the basin, gusty winds often blow, which cause high waves to form on the water. Until now, Mikołajki is remembered on August 21, 2007, when a gusty wind of 12 on the Beaufort scale overturned several dozen boats in ten minutes and killed 12 people. This is proof of how destructive force nature has.

Sailing in Masuria is definitely a way to have a great vacation. However, one needs great caution and experience to fully appreciate what the Great Masurian Lakes offer, including Lake Śniardwy.

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