Bicycle – a weekend trend!

Longing for nature and eternal lack of time

The bicycle makes it easier to clear your thoughts. Our weekends are more and more similar to each other. After the stress of the week, we “charge the batteries” in urban entertainment centers, taking advantage of the rich offer of spending free time. However, this does not guarantee us regenerating and interesting, not to mention healthy, rest.

We complain about the lack of movement five days a week, we miss nature and clean air. We dream of a weekend outside the city, but most often we lack the money and time to organize a trip. Two days often turn out to be insufficient time to implement our plans. The vision of Saturday on a congested highway or a slow train also receives enthusiasm.

Bicycle - a weekend trend!
Bicycle – a weekend trend!

Healing power of two wheels

It is surprising how still few of us can see the beneficial effects of a bicycle on the problems described above. Research conducted by TNS OBOP in May 2010 indicates that only every fourth Pole rides a bike all year round, and over 70% of our countrymen get on the bike only in the summer season. It is satisfactory that the vast majority of city cyclists ride a wheeler for pleasure – unfortunately, they rarely treat two wheels as a means of transport for a longer trip.

There are nearly 3,000 professional bicycle routes marked out in Poland. In the surroundings of virtually every town there is a trail that leads through extremely interesting corners of our country. Just get on your bike and ride – are we not being too careful about spontaneous trips? In return, from the weekend we “get” green forests, lakes, birds singing. Good mood for the whole two days is guaranteed to us by endorphins, which are secreted during movement, increases the feeling of happiness. We do not waste time in traffic jams, after all it depends on us where, when and how much we go. A moment of sunbathing on the lake, a moment in the courtyard of a 15th-century palace, a tasty dinner in a historic inn – all away from the city noise.

Do not forget about the kilograms that elude us with each press of the pedal. Driving a slow pace during the hour we burn up to 300 kcal, we lose twice as much when driving faster. We also strengthen the muscles and spine, we train the efficiency of our heart. If that wasn’t enough, we don’t pay anything for all the benefits of a bicycle weekend! The reward is an injection of positive energy that we bring home on Sunday evening.

Bicycle – this is trendy

A modern cyclist has a lot to choose from when he wants to look really good on his bicycle. For those who like sports gadgets and inventions, there is a wide selection of fashionable t-shirts, vests, gloves and even socks. You can also attach to the two-wheeler like bicycle lights with built-in flashers, bells with compasses, devices measuring pedaling rhythm and monitoring heart rate. The number one among this type of accessories is, however, the calorie burnt counter, confirming the health aspect of the cycling weekend.

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