Lake Lubiąż

Lubniewice in the Lubuskie Lake District lies on the shores of three lakes. The largest is Lubniewsko Lake, the medium Lubiąż Lake and the smallest is Lake Krajnik. Lake Lubiąż is the most developed tourist destination, but the permanent residents and guests enjoy the charms of all three.

Lake Lubiąż
Lake Lubiąż

When driving to Lake Lubiąż, head straight for Lubniewice. There are buildings only here and in the vicinity. The opposite shores of the lakes are covered with forest behind which there are fields. Lubniewice is located more or less halfway between Gorzów Wielkopolski and Torzym. So the distance to the A2 highway and the S3 expressway is about 35 kilometers in both cases.

Lake Lubiąż has a well-developed shoreline. It has many bays and peninsulas. There are also two islands. The average depth is 4.6 meters and the maximum depth is 12.8. The area of ​​the lake is 146 hectares. Lake Lubiąż is supplied by two tributaries. The Jarnatowski Canal flows into the narrow north-west end. The second tributary is the Lubniewka, which leads the waters from the nearby Lubniewsko Lake through a fairly shallow, but accessible to most equipment, canal, which flows out in the central part of the southern shore. The lake is surrounded by forested hills and its shores are dry and hard. The bulrush band, made mainly of the common reed, is narrow. It is completely absent in urban sections or at centers. Plants with floating leaves occur in small-scale clusters, most often in the best developed bays. The bottom descends from the banks quickly at first, to visibly soften its falls from a depth of about 5 meters.

Lubniewice has a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Lubiąż Lake is surrounded by a promenade along almost the entire urban section. This is the trail of Michalina Wisłocka, which has 7 stops: the city beach, the Tree of Exultation, the Castle, the Bench in the Park of Love, the Lubniewice Market Square, Wierzba Rozmyślań and the Island of Love on Lake Lubiąż. At both ends of the promenade there are public beaches with adequate infrastructure. The latter can only be reached by boat, pedalo or canoe. The city provides everything tourists need. There are cottages and rooms for rent, hotels, shops, bars and restaurants. There are numerous recreational centers on the outskirts of the city. Mostly they are hidden in forests right on the water.

An impressive attraction by the lake is the Castle of the Princes Lubomirski with the Palace of the Princes Lubomirski, which together form a palace, castle and park complex. The facilities are located on both sides of the picturesque Lubiąż Lake in Lubniewice. Both buildings are owned by the Princes Lubomirski family, and the Princes Lubomirski Castle functions as a private family residence.

In 2020, the property will be temporarily open to the public. Representative rooms will be made available, excluding private rooms. Each visitor will have the opportunity to see how the property owners currently live.

Lubiąż Lake is administered by the Lubniewice City Hall by its municipal management plant. In addition to the fishing license, you must purchase a permit for amateur fishing. They can be purchased at the municipal office or at the Zakład Gospodarki Komunalnej in Lubniewice. The lake is stocked intensively – most recently with carp, tench and pike. The fish that can be caught here are mainly zander, but also carp, tench, pike, perch, eel, roach, bream. From the old stocking you can still meet grass carp and catfish.

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