Ecotourism – Polish eco-traveling

Ecotourism is a travel idea that is gaining popularity. Among the multitude of eco trends in the city, they have also affected the leisure sphere. Ecotourism is a huge challenge but also an amazing pleasure.

Ecotourism is a travel idea that is gaining popularity. Among the multitude of eco trends in the city, they have also affected the leisure sphere. Ecotourism is a huge challenge but also an amazing pleasure. Organic food, organic products, ecological bags. These words are heard more and more often. Will ecotourism be next? How can you be “eco” on the go?

Crank ecotourism

The combination of modern knowledge and technology with the trends of being eco every year results in new gadgets that prove to be very useful during travel. When going to the mountains, the sea, the forest or the lake, you no longer have to worry about access to a power outlet. Tourist shops offer crank torches, which thanks to the strength of our hands in a few minutes will create the electric charge necessary to power the bulb for several hours! In turn, we can provide a laptop or a mobile phone with voltage from the solar panel, although here you can also find special crank chargers. Music lovers can buy a radio. How different for a crank! This is not all. It is also worth getting a special eco-tourist shower. What is that It is a water container that hangs on a branch and heats from sunlight and allows us to enjoy a warm bath in the fresh air. Speaking of hygiene – eco-tourists will certainly appreciate biodegradable soaps and shampoos.

Crank ecotourism


If we want to travel ecologically, we should leave the car in the garage. What is better to switch to? Of course, you can go by train or bus for long journeys, but it’s worth considering the bike. Some people choose a train ride along with the bikes to go back home on their own. When deciding on a car, it is worth throwing a bicycle into the trunk to travel with it, being already on the spot. Every way is good. For water sports enthusiasts, canoeing and boating are offered, the more so because Poland abounds in a lot of beautiful water routes, both in the south and the north of Poland (Krutynia, Czarna Hańcza, Wigry, Bóbr, Biebrza, Łyna, Barycz, Drawa … ). A good solution is also walking, or trekking, in which special trekking poles will help us. In the city – Nordic walking. The advantage of this solution is that on our own legs we will get virtually anywhere.


Eco-attractions in Poland

Poland has a lot of areas almost unaffected by the hand of man. You don’t really have to wonder where to go because everyone has an eco-attraction at hand. Being in Masuria, it is worth going to Kadzidłowo, where there is a Park of Wild Animals, after which we can stroll like a real Safari – between the chasing animals. It is worth going to “Wrzosowa Kraina” near Przemków, where honeys produced in Poland and abroad have been produced for years, produced using traditional, ecological methods. In Grzybów, you should go to a workshop where you can learn to bake bread yourself, make honey candles, help feed farm animals. It is also worth visiting Milicz during the Carp Holiday, where we will try fish soup. Kapkaza, whose inhabitants will teach us how to do pottery, plaiting or drumming. What about the Białowieża Forest and other National Parks?

There are many ideas for eco-traveling in Poland. Everyone can choose one of the eco ideas. At the weekend or during the holiday, you should think about cycling trips, renting kayaks, crank radio. It is also worth asking about accommodation in organic farms, where we can taste organic milk, vegetables. Ecotourism is an interesting fashion and what is important, it often turns out to be eco-economic.

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