Reservoir Zemborzycki-Lake in the city

Zemborzycki Reservoir

It is an artificial lake built on the Bystrzycy River in Lublin in the district Zemborzyce. Zemborzycki Reservoir was built in the year 1974. The work was very hasty because the goal was to open before the thirtieth anniversary of the announcement of the manifesto PKWN in 1944. A water plant was planned at the dam, but ultimately it was never established. The surface of the water mirror is 274 hectares and the maximum depth is 4 meters.

Zemborzycki Reservoir
Zemborzycki Reservoir

Advantages and Disadvantages

The lake was built in a hurry and therefore there were numerous mistakes in its construction. At the beginning the biggest consequence is that it was built on the peat and swamp. The entire organic matter has not been completely removed. It causes the dark color of the tank (but not water). It happens that the peat breaks off from the bottom and flows onto the surface. The high content of organic compounds causes the blue algae to appear in warmer periods.

From the very beginning the lake was restocking. Because of the flooding of meadows and peat bogies during the construction phase of the lagoon, only herbivorous fish were found here, especially large quantities of grass carp. In 2017, the The city authorities were 3000 kg of pike and 500 kg of perch. This is to complement the amount of predous fish.

From January 1, 2018, the management of water reservoers in Poland has been exercised by the state holding of Wody Polskie. The institution was created as a result of the amendment of water law. It took over the lake from the city of Lublin. It is ongoing to determine the scope of the renovation and who will cover its costs.

The biggest advantage of Zemborzycki Reservoir is its accessibility to the inhabitants of the city. There are many ways to get there. There are also city buses, and the lake is surrounded by a bicycle path.

Recreation offer

Over the lagoon is a campsite, a holiday resort and a water sports centre of the Slonczeny Wrotkow. In addition to public facilities on the southern shore there is a large estate of private holiday houses hidden in the woods. The Dąbrowa forest stretches south and east of the lake. It is the largest forest complex in the close vicinity of Lublin. In Zalew Zemborzycki, the route of kayaking in the Bystrzyca Valley starting in Bychawa. This is the route for one day.

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