Bathing lakes near Lublin

Where to jump out of Lublin from Lublin? There seem to be two obvious answers: Zalew Zemborzycki and Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland. However, not everyone is happy with it, and not everyone leaves Lublin. We will deal with the lakes separately. In recent years, many towns in this province have prepared water reservoirs in their area for quick sunbathing for their residents. The necessary infrastructure was built and access roads improved. All the bathing lakes shown have a public beach and parking facilities. Many of them also have small gastronomy (for example seasonal food trucks) or a playground for children. Usually there is also a lifeguard during the holidays.

Bathing lakes near Lublin
Name of the bathing areaTownParkingToiletsPlaygroundBar
Jezioro MiejskieOstrów LubelskiYesYesYesNo
Zalew ZemborzyckiLublinYesYesYesYes
Zalew ZahorodyńskiMajdan ZahorodyńskiYesNoNoNo
Zalew ŻółtańceChełmYesYesYesYes
Zalew na SopocieMajdan SopockiYesYesNoYes
Zalew BojaryBiłgorajYesYesYesYes
Zalew JanowskiJanów LubelskiYesYesYesYes
Zalew KraśnickiKraśnikYesYesYesYes
Kąpielisko MiejskieOpole LubelskieYesYesNoNo
Zalew MiejskiPoniatowaNoNoNoNo
Zalew w ChodluChodelYesYesYesYes
Zalew w KrasnobrodzieKrasnobródYesYesYesYes
Zalew RudkaZwierzyniecYesYesNieNo
Stawy EchoZwierzyniecYesYesNoNo
Zalew w JózefowieJózefówYesYesYesYes
Zalew w HusynnemHusynne (gmina Dorohusk)YesNoNoNo
Wyspa WisłaStężycaYesYesNoYes
Żwirownia KubikiChotyłówYesYesNoYes
Zalew Biszcza-ŻaryBiszczaYesYesNoYes
Zalew we FrampoluFrampolYesNoNoNo
Żwirownia w MiędzyrzecuMiędzyrzec PodlaskiYesYesNoYes
Zbiornik Retencyjny “Maczuły”HorodyskoYesYesNieYes
Bathing lakes near Lublin

It is nice to rest by the water during the summer heat. It is good that local governments understand this and help to ensure a comfortable and safe place by the water by taking care of the bathing lakes. We strongly encourage you to choose one of the beaches presented. Other places may be pretty and charming, but they’re not always safe. Health and life are very important, especially as we are cared for by children. First of all, the oxbow lakes and river bends are treacherous. The bottom may be boggy and the water current may be too strong. Also, abandoned gravel pits are dangerous. It is not easy to judge the depth there and it is only a step towards the tragedy. In addition, communal bathing areas have access via a road that the emergency services know and are able to overcome. May their help be needed as rarely as possible.

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